Wisley Planning Appeal Starts Tue 19 Sept 2017
The Wisley planning appeal hearing, in respect of plans to build a new settlement of over 2000 homes on the Green Belt, will start on 19th September 2017. It is most important that as many people as possible attend the hearing, in particular on the first day, in order to impress the Inspector with the strength of opposition to the plans.
The hearing of the planning appeal by Wisley Property Investments Limited (WPIL), a Cayman Island registered company, against the refusal last year by Guildford Borough Council of their application to build over 2000 homes on the Green Belt will start on Tuesday 19 September 2017 at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Guildford at 10 am. Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust have an interest as a Rule 6 party, entitling it to cross-examine the WPIL witnesses. Other local interests such as the Wisley Action Group (WAG) and Parish Councils have appointed barristers to further the case against.
This planning appeal will last up to 20 days and while it will be heard at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre for the first four days, the hearing will then switch to the Council Chamber at Millmead House, Millmead GU2 4BB on Monday 26th September.
WAG are running a coach from Ockham on the first day (see details below) and you may wish to take up their offer of transport or find you own way to the hearing in time for the "polite demonstration" before it starts. Please contact them directly by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The message from Wisley Action Group:
WAG is arranging a coach from the Ockham Parish Rooms to take you to the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre where your support on Day 1 is crucial.
Please let us know asap by this Friday (15th Sept), at the latest if you would like a place on the coach at 8.15am to board, leaving promptly at 8.30pm
We will arrange the coach to return to the Parish Rooms from the Theatre at both 1.30pm and 4.30pm to give you a choice of return time
Please confirm preference
Thank you - This is for DAY 1 only
We will ask attendees to form a polite demonstration at the Theatre, with placards and banners
We ask that no one interrupts the proceedings inside
The Inspector will wish to see the numbers filling the Theatre in the first week, and DAY 1 is of prime importance
Thank you so much for your support and donations to date and all further donations are welcome
A nominal charge of £5 return ticket will be requested towards the coach cost, Thank you
WAG looks forward to hearing from you
Best wishes
Jan Lofthouse
Honorary Secretary
on behalf of Wisley Action Group
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
web www.wisleyactiongroup.co.uk
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