Applications for Illuminated Advertising Signs in Cobham High Street
Planning Applications 2024/3251 and 2024/3257 - Illuminated Advertising Signs
You may wish to consider the above two applications which are for freestanding, illuminated digital advertising boards outside Gail’s bakery and on land opposite 7 Oakdene Parade. If you agree with us, we should like you to object by 21st February. These applications follow a similar recent application (2024/1011, pavement outside 17 Between Streets) that drew manifest objections from the whole community. This was refused by the council but has been appealed and a decision on this appeal is awaited.
The thought that we could have three of these hideous illuminated boards within a few yards of each other is unthinkable in our village centre. Apart from being eyesores they are a danger to pedestrians and motorists and if they are allowed to go ahead what next? Another 6? These applications are all pursuant to Surrey CC’s attempt to raise money by licensing out our footways and verges to a third party media company.
I’m sure all our Cobham councillors after hearing all the arguments on both sides would be strongly against these and indeed our Surrey County Councillor, David Lewis is also against them.

Elmbridge BC in turning down the earlier Between Streets application commented:
“…by virtue of its size, scale, and overall design and appearance would result in a harmful and discordant feature that would be an unduly prominent and dominant structure that would detract from the visual amenity of the area. The proposal would introduce a visually incongruous addition and unacceptable amount of clutter to the street scene and public realm which would further be exacerbated when combined with other street furniture. For these reasons the application would be contrary to policies CS10, CS17, CS18 of Core Strategy, policies DM2 and DM15 of the Development Management Plan and the NPPF 2023.”
Adrian Wise has filed the Trust’s objection which you can access here.
It is vital that your views are made known. To allow these applications would be a retrograde step for our village centre so please click on the application numbers below and register your views as objections by clicking on the Make a Comment before Friday 21st February 2025.
Planning Application 2024/3251 - Land Opposite 7 Oakdene Parade High Street Cobham Surrey KT11 2LR
Planning Application 2024/3257 - Land Outside Gails Bakery 2 High Street Cobham KT11 3DY