Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust

Wisley New Town Planning Objections - VAWNT Email


Email from Villages Against Wisley New Town (VAWNT) 
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Thank you for your valued support and patience as the deadline looms large on all our horizons. We have been inundated with requests which is exactly the response we wanted.

The VAWNT Team (including members of OPC and of OHRA) have been trawling through the thousands of pages of documents, and now finalised the templates. This has been referenced to recently updated planning law and previous decisions, which is one of the reasons this has been so time consuming.

There will be many of you who will know what to do when they receive our template letters but this email is aimed at everyone, so take the bits you need and ignore the rest.

We are issuing 2 letters for downloading. One is short with headings and the second, a very long letter with all the background and legal arguments against. The second letter can be used as reference and backup information or sent as an objection.

So, with that in mind, please consider the following points:

  • Use your own words under the headings we have provided with the short template, maybe using your own experiences to personalise each item.
  • Use different fonts, just be careful of layouts if you are not experienced in Word, as this can throw out the paragraphs.
  • Mix up the paragraphs if this feels appropriate and beware of the above.
  • Send one objection per member of your household. Note that joint or family objections have been listed as one objection on the GBC website.
  • Make sure your address is on your objection, this will be redacted by GBC before they list it on their website but your name will appear.
  • Consider printing off copies for neighbours who are not computer able so they can add their own name, address and sign.
  • You don’t have to live locally to object to this development, building on farmland and the environment is everyone’s business. If this is an important issue for friends and relatives, please forward on our email.
  • If all the above is overwhelming or time is short, please use either one of our template letters by adding your name, address and signature and send it off by whichever method you prefer, ensuring that it is delivered safely and if sending by post, signed for delivery. You will then be confident it has reached its destination.
  • They can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Alternatively you can create a login and register your objection Registration (
  • We recommend you keep an eye on the GBC planning page to ensure your objection is listed. We are unable to monitor this for you, although welcome your copy objections which we have been receiving.

You will note our closing paragraph includes this sentence “I support the objections made by Ockham Parish Council, Wisley Action Group and East & West Horsley Parish Councils and I strongly recommend that the application is refused.”

Rest assured that these objections by your local parish councils are being drafted in the interests of the residents but are still being finalised and will appear on the GBC website in due course. (If, however, you wish to, please omit that sentence).

And finally….. thank you for taking the time to support us in objecting to this planning application.

We will be around to answer your questions where possible but please bear with us if we don’t respond immediately.

Download Short Template Letter Here

Download Long Template Letter Here

The VAWNT Team
Objection Deadline 3rd October 2022

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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