Listed building at 49-51 High street and land behind – 2018/0903 and 2018/1937
We are very concerned about a planning application recently submitted to Elmbridge Borough Council.
The building in question is the quaint Jacobean looking shop at the eastern end of the High Street which used to be “Katie James” dress shop. There is land behind this building which lends itself to development and some development on this site would be acceptable. But as usual the developers are trying to cram a quart into a pint pot. Our full objection is now posted on this website which can be found by clicking here.
What we particularly object to is that:
- It is proposed to demolish the rear part of the “Katie James shop and put a new build right up against the remaining frontage. This will destroy the integrity of an important listed building for the sole reason of getting a few more square feet of useable space. But as it is proposed that this extension be higher than the existing building the view of the front of the shop from Church Street will be overpowered by the new build, thus not only damaging the building itself but also the amenity of the conservation area.
- The height of the new building has been matched to the height of the highest building adjacent – the building to the east – instead of the building it abuts to – Katie James -.
- A minimal number of car parking spaces are provided for the seven new dwellings as they are considered as town centre developments. But there will in practice be at least one car per dwelling and there is no other place for people to park. Cobham now has no available parking spaces and until these are created no development should be given permission unless the appropriate number of spaces likely to be needed are provided and this should be as an absolute minimum of one per each dwelling.
Time is not on our side on this one as the formal consultation process comes to an end on 16th July 2018 – but late letters will be considered.