One of the letters of support sent to us during the Wisley Planning Appeal
One of the kind letters of support sent to us during the Wisley Planning Appeal (Sept 2017):-
Dear Mr Bellchamber,
We were very pleased and relieved to see you representing Cobham’s interests as a Rule 6 Party at the Planning Appeal Hearing today at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, and thank you for an effective opening statement.
It is a great shame that you are having to shoulder this burden alone, and in particular that you are not supported by Elmbridge B.C., who allegedly are also opposed to the development. It is to be hoped that more Cobham people come to realise that if this appeal succeeds, the direct impact on Cobham will be disastrous, and also that it will become impossible to resist the Green Belt incursions in Cobham proposed in the Elmbridge Local Plan.
Thank you, and all at Cobham Heritage, for all you are doing on our behalf.
Name and address supplied.