Elmbridge BC Permit Holly Parade Despite Local Opposition
As you may have heard we lost our battle against the application to redevelop Holly Parade. Whilst we are keen to see this eyesore redeveloped we were unhappy with the scale, mass, height and architecture of the proposed development which we felt was out of scale and overbearing with the surrounding area. We believe it adversely impacted on the adjoining conservation area and the street scene generally.
The application was heard late on into the evening and was at times heated and bad tempered with two members of the public gallery being asked to leave because they quite correctly challenged our ward councillor, Dorothy Mitchell, on the veracity of a number of her comments. Even though only one (Dorothy Mitchell) of our five councillors fully supported the proposals they were passed nevertheless. Although it was acknowledged that the proposals would have some adverse impact on both the conservation area and the street scene, councillors believed that the benefits of the scheme would outweigh these adverse impacts. I am still at a loss to understand what the special benefits of this scheme are.
Clearly we are not happy with the situation and I am writing to the Elmbridge CEO, the Conservative leader and the Chair of the Planning Committee making certain points and requesting meetings.
Planning does not cease here as we now have to consider the major proposals for the green belt in our area and you will be hearing more about this shortly from us.
Again I should like to thank all of you for your continued support.
Gerry Acher