Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust

Wisley Airfield Development - Revised Application Jan 2016

As expected the proposed development of Wisley Airfield is back on the scene, following an announcement by Guildford Borough Council before Christmas that the decision had been put back to the Spring of 2016.

During the first week of January 2016, those of you who objected previously will have received notification of an amended proposal for the land at the former Wisley Airfield – Application No.15/P/0012, for outline planning permission for the phased development of a new settlement of up to 2,068 dwellings together with associated infrastructure, including access on to the A3 (Ockham interchange) Ockham Lane and Old Lane, and revised access to Elm Corner.

Observations relating to the application must be made within 21 days (27th January) quoting the reference number in any correspondence.

No objections from last time are carried forward; they must be put in afresh, together with those of you who hopefully will now want to object for the first time. It is obvious that the Developers are seeking to wear us down . . they will not!! We are already liaising with the Wisley Action Group who are meeting to formulate and issue guidance for those who wish to object. It is anticipated that the Action Group will provide us with such guidance by the 18 January. So at this stage please do nothing, unless you want to read through the volumes forming the application. We will then publish more information on the key issues we consider should be included in objections sent to the Guildford Council Planning Department. We would also like to remind anyone who intends to send in a letter or email to Guildford Council about this application, that your postal address must be included otherwise it will be ignored, and you should, of course, also quote the Application number.

Although not in Elmbridge, this proposed development on Green Belt land will have a detrimental impact on our area and way of life, given its close proximity to Cobham.

Do consider becoming a member of the Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust so we can keep you informed via email and through our quarterly newsletter about developments such as this together with much smaller ones. You can find out more about membership here.

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