Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust

Duck Feed Available at the reopened Princess Alice Hospice Shop

here comes lunchWith lock-down easing, we are delighted that the Princess Alice Hospice Trust shop (PAH) has reopened in Cobham and has restocked on healthy, nutritious duck feed for our feathered friends at Riverhill.

Be minded that, as recommended by the Canal & River Trust amongst others, a balanced diet as provided by the duck feed supplied by the Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust and sold by the PAH, is better for the ducks and better for the Eco System of Riverhill. Also bear in mind that the packaging is compostable and recyclable and, like all other litter, should be taken home and recycled or composted responsibly.

Become a Volunteer with Cobham Heritage

The Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust is a local charity which relies on vounteers to help run the Trust, promote local history and conservation issues and organise fund raising events such as our annual Cobham Heritage Day. If you think you might like to join us, visit our Volunteer Vacancies page to find out which roles you might like to get involved with. We always try to make it fun.

Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Riverhill Greenflag Award

Green Flag Award

Open Spaces Award

Open Spaces Award