Cobham Conservation and Heritage Trust

Newsletter Extras - Cobham in Bloom (Feb 2010)

Cobham in Bloom (Feb 2010)

- Sue Kilpatrick

We were about to have a really good display of pansies and polyanthus for the winter in the beds and in the wooden tubs and then along came the snow!!

All the plants looked so flat and tired but I am told that if the weather is not too unkind, they will all start blooming again and we will have a good show!!

With a grant from Elmbridge BCC (which had to be spent on hardware for the most part) we have acquired a water bowser and some additional wooden tubs. I think we now have sixteen of them. We are grateful to Elmbridge - part of the conditions for a grant is that organisation concerned has to raise 25% of the sum requested and this we just managed to do. It did not leave us much in the kitty.

If we can raise sufficient funds, we shall be set up well to do the summer planting and perhaps some in addition for next winter.

We on the Working Group feel that our efforts make a lot of difference to the look and feel of Cobham and we hope you all do too.

We are very grateful to Leigh Irwin (who you may know from his stall at the Cobham Day Centre for all his assistance.

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